Frequently Asked Questions
I am an aspiring model/actor, what is my first step?
If you live in the Southeast, the first step would be to submit photos, measurements, and contact info (see Be Discovered).
Does it cost a lot of money to be a model?
Models are considered self employed. When you begin a career as a new model it is as if you are opening your own business. Investments do have to be made such as obtaining marketing materials like comp cards and/or headshots. CD Models does not charge for representation nor are we a school. We offer minimal training to entry level models/actors and Experience level is decided by our agents.
I've heard that it should not require any money to become a model, actor, or talent?
There are many myths about getting started in the modeling and talent industry. The entertainment business is a very unique and competitive business and does require education, training, and exposure. These are always the responsibilities of the talent. Agents and clients do not front any money to starting talent. In return, models and talent make the majority of the commission from job bookings. However, in order to secure representation or jobs, you have to be seen. CD Models and Talent provides the most effective way for new models and talent to be seen and marketed on a local, regional and national level.
What kind of payment can a model or talent receive for a particular booking?
Model and talent rates can vary depending on the medium, hours worked, and usage of a particular job. Some print campaigns and national commercials can net thousands to hundreds of thousands. Other local bookings can range from $75/hr to $1,500.00/day. It is the responsibility of the agent to find out all of the terms of the job and negotiate a fair rate.
I want to be on TV. I want to be in "___" Magazine.
Large magazines and brands most often use professional models for their campaigns. Please remember that a model must have a strong and established portfolio and/or acting resume to be considered thought of for this type of job.
If I am signed with CDMT, where will I work?
Most of the work that CDMT books is in the Carolinas. However, CDMT represents talent across the Southeast. CDMT exposes their talent to top industry professionals in the larger markets of New York, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, Paris, etc.